Hady Quan
Hady Quan

Story Introduction

December 28, 2007 – Hady was vacationing in the Dominican Republic at the Excellence Resort and Spa Punta Cana with his beloved Tiffany. Hady and Tiffany were accompanied by Arkadiusz (Ark), one of Hady’s closest friends and business partners, and Komal, Ark’s fiancé. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate the recent success of one of Hady’s businesses. The four were planning on ringing in the New Year in style and luxury at the all-inclusive five-star resort.

It was the first day for Hady and his party after arriving late the previous night. Like any guest at a resort situated on a beautiful beach, they wanted to spend time in the sun and in the water. As such, they all headed out to the beach that afternoon with the intention of soaking up some rays and going for a dip in the water, much like many of the other guests at the resort of course. The waves rolled in majestically and were very enticing, attracting many resort guests including Hady’s group. After some time spent in the ocean Ark and Komal decided to return to their room to freshen up before their dinner plans. Hady and Tiffany chose to stay on the beach.

At approximately 3:30 in the afternoon, while Hady and Tiffany were swimming in the water, they were alerted to a man not very far from where they were swimming. This man, James McDonald, was calling out for help. He was not able to handle the currents and was drowning. Hady and Tiffany were confused because he was so close to them and yet they were not having any difficulties with the currents. Once they realized that it was no joke Hady sent Tiffany to go and get help while he swam over to see if he could save Mr. McDonald. What happened in the following minutes, and then hours, was tragic.

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